Hyun EL-Baladz TigaDaha Hyun SantriGaul AMURA Fc


Selasa, 25 September 2012

blog hyun agar tidak DI copy paste

Cara Unik Agar Postingan di Blog Tidak Bisa di Copy Paste. sahabat info sinta semua, anda sekarang sedang membaca artikel saya bagaiman agar postingan di blog anda tidak bisa di copy paste, enak saja copy paste,,,,kita usir para pembajak karya orang dari internet,,,oke simak tips berikut. Sebenarnya ini salah satu tips sederhana Anti copas Agar Postingan Tidak Di copy paste Oleh Orang Lain. yah paling tidak bisa mencegah copazer untuk mengcopas tulisan pada artikel kita.

Baca Juga

lanjut saja tutorial kali ini cara agar blog tidak bisa di Copy paste :

  • Mula mula login akun blogger/blogspot anda
  • Buka rancangan lalu pilih Edit Html
  • Lalu cari kode <head>
  • Setelah ketemu,copy script dibawah ini dan simpan diatas kode <head> 
    <SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
    if (typeof document.onselectstart!="undefined") {
    document.onselectstart=new Function ("return false");
    document.onmousedown=new Function ("return false");
    document.onmouseup=new Function ("return true");
  • terakhir simpan dan lihat hasilnya. 

membuat teks bagaliur di blog

Cara Membuat Teks Berjalan di Blog - Pernah tidak sobat melihat tulisan / teks yang mondar - mandir di suatu blog?? saya rasa pasti sudah pernah.. namanya marquee sob! fungsinya sebenarnya hanyalah sebagai hiasan di blog, hampir sama dengan headline news ( baca : memasang headline news di blog ) cuma yang ini lebih mudah ngaturnya, terutama dalam mengatur gerakan / prilaku teks yang di inginkan. Sobat yang tertarik membuat tulisan yang mondar - mandir ini, silahkan ikuti terus tutorialnya.

Cara Membuat Tulisan Berjalan di Blog

1. Tulisan bergerak dari kanan ke kiri
 <marquee direction="left" scrollamount="2" align="center">Contoh Tulisan Berjalan</marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

2. Tulisan bergerak dari kiri ke kanan
 <marquee direction="right" scrollamount="2" align="center"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

3. Teks bergerak bolak balik ( mondar - mandir ) dari kiri ke kanan
<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

4. Teks bergerak bolak balik ( mondar - mandir ) dari kanan ke kiri
<marquee direction="right" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

5. Teks bergerak dari atas ke bawah
 <marquee direction="down" scrollamount="2" align="center"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

6. Teks bergerak dari bawah ke atas
 <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

7. Teks bergerak mondar- mandir dari atas ke bawah
 <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee>
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

8. Teks bergerak zig - zag ( diagonal ) memantul
 <center><marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate" width="90%"><marquee direction="right" behavior="alternate"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee></marquee></center>

Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

9. Teks bergerak zig - zag ( diagonal ) tembus
 <center><marquee direction="up" scrollamount="2" align="center" behavior="alternate" width="90%"><marquee direction="right"> Contoh Tulisan Berjalan </marquee></marquee></center>

Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

Cara memasang :
1. Login ke akun blog sobat
2. Klik rancangan --> Elemen laman --> Tambah gadget --> HTML/Javascript
3. Masukkan kode marquee dari salah satu tulisan berjalan diatas
4. Klik save dan lihat hasilnya.

tambahan :
  • Direction : untuk mengatur pola gerakan teks (left, right, up dan down)
  • Scrollamount : untuk mengatur kecepatan gerakan teks. Naikkan angkanya ( dari 2 menjadi 3 ) untuk mempercepat gerakan dan sebaliknya.
  • Behavior ( scroll/slide/alternate ): untuk mengatur prilaku gerakan.
  • Untuk menambahkan background, padding, border, color, dll pada marquee, silahkan sisipkan  kode marquee antara kode berikut
<div style="background: #000000; border: 2px solid #FF0000; color: white; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 0.5em; padding: 15px;">
<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="6" align="center">Contoh Tulisan Berjalan</marquee>

hasilnya :
Contoh Tulisan Berjalan

  • Untuk menyisipkan link pada marquee, gunakan kode berikut :
<div style="background: #FFFFFF; border: 2px solid #FF0000; color: black; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: 0.2em; padding: 15px;">
<marquee direction="left" scrollamount="6" align="center"><a href="http://christiantatelu.blogspot.com/2012/03/cara-membuat-teks-berjalan-di-blog.html"/>Cara Membuat Teks Berjalan di Blog</a></marquee>
catatan :
ganti tulisan yang berwana biru dengan Url yang di inginkan.
hasilnya :
  • Contoh lain penggunaan link pada marquee yaitu dengan menggunakan kode berikut :
<marquee onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" scrollamount="2" direction="up" width="100%" height="100" align="center">
<a href=" http://christiantatelu.blogspot.com/2012/03/cara-membuat-permalink-di-blog.html/">cara membuat permalink di blog</a><br/>
<a href="http://christiantatelu.blogspot.com/2012/03/cara-membuat-logo.html">cara membuat logo</a><br/>
<a href="http://christiantatelu.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-di-blogspot-dan-blog-di-wordpress.html">blog di blogspot dan blog di wordpress</a><br/>
catatan :
kode yang di cetak tebal adalah perintah pada teks untuk terhenti ketika di lewati pointer
Hasilnya :
tulisan berjalan
Tulisan berjalan

Sekian posting cara bikin tulisan berjalan nya....

Minggu, 23 September 2012

animasi blog hyun

Berikut adalah cara memasang animasi bergerak di sudut blog kalian !!!

pada postingan  kali ini ,aldi berusaha mencari widget-widget lucu bergerak dan menarik dari berbagai situs, setelah mondar-mandir ga karuan di mbah google ,akhirnya ketemu juga widget-widget yang lucu dan unik yang pastinya bergerak atau berformat gif ,pada kumpulan widget animasi bergerak inipun ada juga animasi seperti naruto dan onepiece, mungkin di antara kalian ada juga yang senang dengan animasi onepice serta naruto yang bergerak ini untuk di paasang ke blog kalian. tapi tentu saja di setiap situs-situs tersebut tidak semua animasi bergerak sama oleh karena itu dalam postingan kali ini aldi akan memberikan kumpulan postingan animasi bergerak seperti naruto dan onepiece dari berbagai situs yang telah aldi kunjungi .
silakan kalian kalau mau copas kode-kode script berikut di blog kalian .big hug

sebelum kalian meng copas kode kode tersebut .. sebaiknya kalian mengikuti tutorial cara memasang animasi pada blog berikut ini . untuk memasang widget widget animasi bergerak seperti naruto dan onepiece pada blog kalian ..( tepatnya animasi- animasi bergerak naruto tersebut akan ada di sudut pojok bawah pada blog kalian ).dan kalian dapat merubah lokasi penempatannya/ukuran gambarnya sesuai dengan tempat/ukuran favorit anda .!!!

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012



Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Ikan toman
Ikan toman
Klasifikasi ilmiah
Kerajaan: Animalia
Filum: Chordata
Kelas: Actinopterygii
Ordo: Perciformes
Famili: Channidae
Genus: Channa
Spesies: C. micropeltes
Nama binomial
ss(Cuvier, 1831)
Toman adalah nama sejenis ikan buas dari suku ikan gabus (Channidae). Memiliki bentuk tubuh yang mirip dengan ikan gabus, toman dapat tumbuh besar mencapai panjang lebih dari satu meter dan menjadi spesies yang terbesar dalam sukunya.
Ikan toman dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal sebagai red snakehead, redline snakehead merujuk pada warna tubuhnya ketika muda, atau Malabar snakehead. Nama snakehead mengacu pada bentuk kepalanya yang menyerupai kepala ular. Sementara nama ilmiahnya adalah Channa micropeltes.

Ikan toman yang masih muda. Menurut Bleeker, 1878

Toman bakar di atas pemanggang

Toman yang diasinkan

Daftar isi


[sunting] Pemerian

Ikan yang berkepala besar dan bermulut besar serta bergigi runcing tajam. Tubuh bulat panjang seperti torpedo dengan ekor membulat.
Ikan dewasa berwarna hitam kebiruan, dengan perut putih atau keputihan. Anak-anaknya berwarna kemerahan, dengan garis hitam dan jingga di sisi tubuhnya. Ikan toman dapat tumbuh sampai mendekati 1,5 m panjangnya.

[sunting] Kebiasaan dan penyebaran

Toman tergolong kepada ikan buas, yakni predator yang memangsa aneka jenis ikan lainnya, serta hewan-hewan lain seperti serangga dan kodok yang berada di lingkungannya.
Ikan ini memiliki kebiasaan ‘mengasuh’ anak-anaknya. Induk ikan seringkali didapati berenang di sekitar kelompok anak-anak toman yang masih kecil-kecil. Dilaporkan pula bahwa induk semacam ini juga tidak segan-segan menyerang orang yang berenang terlalu dekat, yang dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu anak-anaknya. Perilaku suka menyerang pengganggu ini dimanfaatkan orang Banjar di pedesaan untuk memancing induk toman dan haruan (gabus) menggunakan belibis yang diikat sebagai "pengganggu" agar induk ikan mendekat lalu diumpan dengan daging kodok.
Ikan toman menyebar luas di Indonesia bagian barat (Sumatra, Jawa, Kalimantan dan pulau-pulau sekitarnya), Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, India, dan mungkin pula Myanmar. Keberadaannya di India barat daya (Tamilnadu dan Kerala) terasa janggal, karena terpisah sekitar 2500 km dari wilayah sebarannya yang lain di Asia Tenggara. Ikan ini diperkirakan dibawa masuk ke India oleh manusia sebelum abad ke-19.

[sunting] Pemanfaatan

Ikan toman merupakan salah satu jenis ikan air tawar yang digemari. Dagingnya yang putih lembut menjadikan toman sebagai salah satu favorit untuk ikan bakar, digulai atau dimasak sup. Toman juga kerap diasinkan dan dijual ke Jawa sebagai ‘ikan gabus’ asin.
Di Singapura, toman dipelihara di kolam-kolam dan saluran untuk rekreasi memancing. Ikan ini disukai pemancing karena ‘tarikannya’ yang kuat ketika menyambar umpan di ujung kail.
Ikan toman yang muda berwarna indah dan disukai sebagai ikan akuarium. Karenanya, ikan ini kerap diekspor sebagai ikan hias ke mancanegara, termasuk ke Amerika Serikat.
Belakangan ikan-ikan ini menimbulkan masalah di sana. Tahun 2002 dan 2003 ditemukan empat ekor toman di perairan di Maryland dan Wisconsin. Diduga, ikan-ikan ini terlepas atau dilepaskan dari akuarium. Keberadaan ikan-ikan ini telah menggelisahkan pihak yang berwenang di negara itu karena dikhawatirkan akan berbiak, menginvasi dan mengganggu keseimbangan komunitas alami di perairan setempat.

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

faktor yg mempengaruhi belajar

Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Belajar

Faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar berikut inilah faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar tentang faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar artikel faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar - Faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar ada beberapa faktor yang menjadi penghambat keberhasilan studi, yaitu: Merupakan penghambat yang berasal dari dalam diri mahasiswa itu sendiri. Menurut Slameto faktor intern ini terdiri dari tiga faktor, yaitu: faktor jasmaniah, faktor psikologis dan faktor kelelahan.

A. Faktor Jasmaniah
1) Faktor kesehatan
Proses belajar seseorang akan terganggu jika kesehatannya terganggu atau kurang baik, selain itu juga ia akan cepat lelah, kurang bersemangat, mudah pusing, ngantuk jika badannya lemas, kurang darah ataupun ada gangguan-gangguan/ kelainan-kelainan fungsi alat inderanya serta tubuhnya.

2) Cacat tubuh
Cacat tubuh adalah sesuatu yang menyebabkan  kurang baik atau kurang sempurna mengenai tubuh. Cacat disini dapat berupa buta, setengah buta, tuli, setengah tuli, patah kaki, patah tangan, lumpuh dan lain-lain.
Keadaan tubuh yang cacat tubuh juga mempengaruhi belajar. Siswa yang cacat belajarnya juga terganggu.

B. Faktor Psikologis
Ada tujuh faktor yang yang termasuk dalam faktor psikologis yang mempengaruhi belajar, seperti: inteligensi, perhatian, minat, bakat, motif, kematangan dan kesiapan.

1) Inteligensi
Inteligensi adalah kecakapan yang terdiri dari tiga jenis yaitu kecakapan untuk menghadapi dan menyesuaikan ke dalam situasi baru dengan cepat dan efektif, mengetahui dan menggunakan konsep-konsep yang abstrak secara efektif, mengetahui relasi dan mempelajarinya dengan cepat.

Inteligensi besar pengaruhnya terhadap kemajuan belajar. Dalam situasi yang sama, seseorang yang memiliki inteligensi yang tinggi akan berhasil daripada yang memiliki inteligensi rendah.

2) Perhatian
“Perhatian adalah pemusatan energi psikis yang tertuju kepada sesuatu objek pelajaran atau dapat dikatakan sebagai sedikit banyaknya kesadaran yang menyertai aktivitas belajar”

Untuk menjamin hasil belajar yang baik, maka seorang mahasiswa harus memiki perhatian terhadap bahan yang dipelajarinya, jika bahan pelajaran tidak menjadi perhatiannya maka timbullah kebosanan sehingga ia tidak lagi suka belajar.

3) Minat
Minat adalah kecenderungan yang tetap untuk memperhatikan dan mengenang beberapa kegiatan. Kegiatan yang diminati seseorang, diperhatikan terus menerus yang disertai dengan rasa senang. Jadi berbeda dengan perhatian, karena perhatian sifatnya sementara dan belum tentu diikuti dengan perasaan senang, sedangkan minat didikuti dengan perasaan senang dan dari situ diperoleh kepuasan.

Minat besar pengaruhnya terhadapa belajar, karena bahan pelajaran yang dipelajari tidak sesuai dengan minat mahasiswa. Mahasiswa tidak akan belajar dengan sebaik-baiknya karena tidak ada daya tarik baginya.

4) Bakat
Bakat adalah kemampuan untuk belajar. Kemampuan itu baru akan terealisasi menjadi kecakapan yang nyata sesudah belajar atau berlatih.
Bakat mempengaruhi belajar. Bahan pelajaran/mata kuliah yang diambil sesuai dengan bakatnya maka hasilnya mahasiswa yang bersangkutan akan senang belajar dan giat dalam meraih prestasinya.

5) Motif
Motif erat sekali hubungannya dengan tujuan yang akan dicapai. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu perlu berbuat sedangkan yang menjadi penyebab berbuat adalah motif sendiri sebagai daya penggerak dan pendorong.
Dalam proses belajar haruslah diperhatikan apa yang dapat menjadi motif seorang mahasiswa sehinga memiliki perhatian dalam merencanakan dan melaksanakan kegiatan yang menunjang belajar.

6) Kematangan
Kematangan adalah suatu tingkat/fase dalam pertumbuhan seseorang. Belajar akan lebih berhasil jika anak sudah siap (matang).

4) Kesiapan
Kesiapan adalah kesediaan untuk memberi response atau bereaksi. Kesediaan itu timbul dari dalam diri seseorang dan juga berhubungan dengan kematangan, karena kematangan berarti kesiapan untuk melaksanakan kecakapan. Kesiapan ini perlu diperhatikan dalam proses belajar. Karena jika siswa belajar dan padanya sudah ada kesiapan, maka hasil belajarnya akan lebih baik.

C. Faktor Kelelahan
Kelelahan pada seseorang walaupun sulit untuk dipisahkan tetapi dapat dibedakan menjadi dua macam, yaitu kelelahan jasmani dan kelelahan rohani.

Kelelahan jasmani ditandai dengan lemah lunglainya tubuh dan timbul kecenderungan untuk membaringkan tubuh. Kelelahan jasmani terjadi karena kekacauan substansi sisa pembakaran di dalam tubuh, sehingga darah kurang lancar pada bagian tertentu. Kelelahan rohani dapat terlihat dengan adanya kelesuan dan kebosanan, sehingga minat dan dorongan untuk menghasilkan sesuatu hilang.

Kelelahan ini sangat terasa pada bagian kepala dengan pusing-pusing sehingga sulit berkonsentrasi, seolah otak kehabisan daya untuk bekerja. Dari uraian ini maka dapatlah dimengerti bahwa kelelahan mempengaruhi belajar. Agar siswa dapat belajar dengan baik maka perlu diusahan agar kondisi tubuh bebas dari kelelahan. (Faktor yang mempengaruhi belajar)

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

story telling

The Story of the Prophet Adam
Our first man created was Adam (pbuh). He was the first person to receive the divine messages from Allah, claiming the title as our first Prophet.
Allah asked all moving creatures and unmoving creatures if they wished to have free will. Each of them declined this honor saying that it was too much responsibility. The soul of man was the only one to except the offer. Allah bestowed upon the man the job of being the caretaker of the planet earth. A caretaker that would have knowledge of  everything. He formed a body for these first humans out of earth and they were known as Adam (pbuh) and his wife Hawwa (pbuh). He placed them in a lush paradise.  The Angel's we're forced to bow before them out of respect for their knowledge that Allah had given them about the Earth. Ever being except one of the Jinn, who was known as Iblis. He felt that he was a superior being and refused to bow before a creature that was made from earthly components.
Furious Allah rebuked Iblis for his insolence and told him to remove himself from His company. Iblis said that man would only cause havoc and bloodshed on Earth. Allah agreed to allow Iblis to live till the day of judgment. Iblis vowed to prove that the Jinn we're superior to man. He said that he would mislead many and turn them from Allah. Allah said that only people who chose to befriend Iblis would be tempted. Allah warned that those who followed him of the Jinn and men would all share Iblis's fate in the Hellfire. Allah renamed Iblis, Shay' ton.
Shay'ton took his corruption right away. He entered the garden of Adam (pbuh) and Hawwa (pbuh). He whispered his lies to them. Saying that if they only ate from the tree in which they had been forbidden, they would live for ever. In Time Adam (pbuh) and Hawwa (pbuh) gave into Shay' ton. The Second they had transgressed against Allah's command they felt shame and guilt overwhelm them. Adam (pbuh) and Hawwa(pbuh) tried to hide from Allah and cover their bodies. Allah knower of all. He knew that his creations had done wrong and cast them out of the garden. Not to return.
In time Allah forgave Adam (pbuh) and Hawwa (pbuh), and showed them how to ask him for forgiveness. They we're so happy to be near Allah again that they begged Allah to have mercy on them and forgive them. They cried out that if they we're not forgiven they would be of the lost. Allah warned them. Anyone who befriends Shay'ton, the Jinn and did not follow his guidance, would inherit the fire with Shay'ton. Allah reminded them that if they we're of the pious that they could return to Him to enjoy His bounties in paradise, when they had completed their time on Earth. Adam (pbuh) and Hawwa (pbuh) vowed to be of the Pious.
Allah blessed them with many children. Adam (pbuh) became the first Prophet. He was selected by Allah to teach his family to obey and fear Allah. Allah told him that he was the first of many and that he would send down Prophets to Adam (pbuh) and Hawwa's (pbuh) descendants to warm them of his promise to mankind. May peace be upon Adam and Hawwa. The mother and father of the tribes of today.
The Story of the
Prophet Al-Yasa (pbuh)
Al-Yasa (pbuh) was appointed as Ilyas (pbuh) successor by Ilyas (pbuh) before he vanished into the protection of Allah. Ilyas (pbuh) had appointed him as the Prophet of Israel.
He inherited from Ilyas (pbuh) the inflexible king and queen of Israel. They refused to listen to any reason. Al-Yasa (pbuh) performed many miraculous deeds to prove to them the supreme powers of Allah. Instead they called Al-Yasa (pbuh) a magician. The king and Queen continued to defy his warnings, throughout Al-Yasa (pbuh) life. May peace be upon Al-Yasa.
The Story of the Prophet Ayyub (pbuh)
Ayyub (pbuh) was a descendant of A'mis, the third son of Ishaq (pbuh). Allah had granted Ayyub (pbuh) wealth and a large family. Ayyub (pbuh) was living in comfort and peace, when Allah decided to test Ayyub (pbuh) steadfastness in his faith.
Suddenly lighten struck and killed all of his livestock, a terrible storm destroyed his crops. Ayyub (pbuh) house collapsed with his family still inside, killing his children. Ayyub (pbuh) faith did not waiver.  Every time that he was inflicted with a new sorrow, he would bend down in submission acknowledging that Allah giveth and Allah taketh away. Ayyub (pbuh) test continued. He became stricken with ulcers over all his body, his flesh was began to rot off.
Several of Ayyub (pbuh) companions left him. His wife Raceme was the only one that took care of Ayyub (pbuh). She would find food and feed him. She would wash, and dress his wounds.
Soon the people of their town forced Ayyub (pbuh) and his wife into the woods. Telling them not to come to the town. All the while Ayyub (pbuh) faith stayed strong. Ayyub (pbuh) praised Allah for what tiny food and other provisions that Allah had given them.
Allah was pleased with Ayyub (pbuh) faithfulness. Ayyub (pbuh) soon recovered fully from his sickness, they returned to their land gaining back the crops. Allah blessed Ayyub (pbuh) with more wealth then he had before. In seeing how Ayyub (pbuh) had recovered by staying strong in his faith. Ayyub (pbuh) companions grew miraculously in number with added strength to their faith in Allah. May peace be upon Ayyub.
The Story of the Prophet Dawud (pbuh)
Dawud (pbuh) was a descendant of one of Ya'qub (pbuh) sons. When Duwud was declared a Prophet, he was still a young man. At the time Israel was at war with the Eimaliques, they we're loosing because no one could overpower gigantic king called Jalut (Goliath). Dawud (pbuh) used his sling to kill the king, Goliath. Dawud (pbuh) was selected as Prophet by Allah.
He was appointed king and expanded his land and rule. Spreading the teaching's of Allah to other lands. He laid the foundations of Bait-ul Muqaddas (the Holy Mosque) Allah gave him the Book Zubur (Psalms in the Torah) with Prophetic wisdom in its words. May peace be upon Dawud.
The Story of the Prophet Harun (pbuh)
Harun (pbuh) was son of Imran, the older brother of Prophet Musa (pbuh). He was appointed by Allah to help his brother Musa (pbuh) in the task of freeing the children of Israel from the pharaoh and teaching them the way of Allah. Harun (pbuh) accompanied his brother through the desert journeys till he died atop Mount Hoor. May peace be upon Harun.
The Story of the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh)
It was a dark time. Many people worshiped celestial bodies, or idols. Allah had gifted Ibrahim (pbuh) with divine intelligence early on. He recognized that the sun, the moon, and  even the starts we’re allotted only a small appointed time each day. He concluded that they must be servants, not Gods.
Ibrahim (pbuh) also began to question the idols that his family worshiped. He could not understand how the stone figures could be gods if they could not  even speak. He decided that  even though Allah was unseen, that all of creation served One God. The one god that made the earth and the sky and appointed a time for each. The one god that gave life and also took it away.
His lack of belief turned to anger. He despised the stone and wood carving's that fooled his people into worshipping them. He was repulsed at the way his people would enter the temple, how they would bow and beg before theses images of stone and wood. Ibrahim (pbuh) was satisfied with his theory of One god and began to preach the message. Trying to convince others to leave the worship of their idols.
The Story of the Prophet Idris (pbuh)
Idris (pbuh) was the recipient of a number of revelations from Allah. Idris (pbuh) is credited with learning many useful skills or inventing things which humans still use such as writing, mathematics, astronomy, etc.
It is known that despite his knowledge and piety, the people of his time ignored Idris (pbuh) teachings. They had forgotten about Allah. The world was thus punished with a prolonged drought. When they repented, Idris (pbuh) prayed for their forgiveness and the Lord sent down rain to quench the land and fill the rivers.
Idris (pbuh) often observed Saum and spent much of his time in prayer.  Even the angels we're overwhelmed by his worship. It is said that he was taken away alive by Allah. When Idris (pbuh) left earth, he left a large group of family and friends behind. Allah chose great leaders and Prophets from them. May peace be upon Idris.
The Story of the Prophet IIyas (pbuh)
Ilyas (pbuh) was a descendant from Harun (pbuh). He was appointed as a Prophet of Israel, following the death of Sulaiman (pbuh). Sulaiman (pbuh) kingdom was divided when he died. The current king of Israel was Ahab, had reverted to materialism. The entire kingdom had fallen to a wave of evil and corruption. People who tried to teach the oneness of Allah we're tortured and killed.
Ilyas (pbuh) had been trying effortlessly to teach the people. He told them of the Punishment that would overtake the kingdom. He added that their false gods would be powerless to stop it. The people paid no heed to his warnings never changing their ways.
Ahab had his neighbor killed,  even though he was a pious man and had never done any harm. Ahab took the land of his slain neighbor, as his own. It was a lush garden of fruit. Ilyas (pbuh) scolded the king for his behavior and warned him that a punishment from Allah would come if he did not return the land back to the slain man's orphan. Surly Allah will have Ahab slain in the same garden. Ahab told Ilyas (pbuh) that he should hold his tongue, least he have him arrested and tortured, for making threats against the king.
The prophecy of the Prophet Ilyas (pbuh) came about. It began with the son of the Ahab becoming ill. Ilyas (pbuh) frustrated by the behavior of the king asked the king "why did he not pray to his best idol for the recovery of his son." Ahab was so insulted by the Ilyas (pbuh) words that he sent for his guards to take him, torture, and kill him.
Ilyas (pbuh) fell into prostration praying to Allah for His help. As the palace guards entered his chamber they fell dead. The prophecy of the Prophet Ilyas (pbuh) continued the whole kingdom came under a drought. Famine swept the people of Ahab's kingdom. Continuing for three years. Ilyas (pbuh) pleaded to Allah "show mercy to the famine stricken people". The people had felt the strength and authority of Allah. The people asked to be forgiven.
Allah sent rain down to the land ending the draught. Ilyas (pbuh) was directed by god to inform Al-Yasa (pbuh) that he was to be his successor. IIyas vanished in the protection of Allah.
It was shortly after that a monarch from a neighboring kingdom came and conquered the land. Ahab and his wife we're slain in the garden, that they had stolen years before. May peace be upon Ilyas.
The Story of the Prophet Isa (pbuh)
'Isa (pbuh) was the last Prophet appointed by Allah for Banu Israel. They defied his teachings and denied his legitimacy. The story of 'Isa (pbuh) starts with his mother Maryam (pbuh). Maryam (pbuh) had been a dedicated servant of Allah all of her life. She had been raised by her Uncle Zakariya (pbuh) to become the caretaker of bait-ul Muqqadas. She lived in a small room in the bait-ul Muqqadas provided to her by her uncle.
The angel Jibril came to Maryam (pbuh) in the shape of a man. Maryam (pbuh) covered her self warning the man that she was a servant of Allah’s and that she seeks refuge in Allah. Jibril responded, he was a messenger of Allah. He was to announce the gift from Allah of a perfect son. He told Maryam (pbuh) that this child would become a great Prophet. This man would be a revelation for all mankind, a mercy from us. Maryam (pbuh) said [019.020] “ How can I have a son when no mortal hath touched me, neither have I been unchaste ?” [019.021] Jibril replied that she should not be afraid that this is the will of Allah. Allah is capable of all things he creates life and can take life. This is a simple task.
Maryam (pbuh) became pregnant with 'Isa (pbuh). She left the grand mosque hiding herself away in the desert. The pain of her childbirth brought her to a palm tree she laid beneath it. She gave birth to 'Isa (pbuh) in solitude. She was to weak to move and an angel again came to her told her to shake the tree and dates will fall for food and drink from here. A spring of water came from the ground next to where Maryam (pbuh) lay. He also told her that when the people ask of 'Isa (pbuh) to stay quite that 'Isa (pbuh) will bare witness for her.
When Maryam (pbuh) returned to her people the Quran says [019.028] O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a wicked man nor was thy mother a harlot. [019.029] Then she pointed to him. They said: How can we talk to one who is in the cradle, a young boy ?[019.030] He spoke: Lo! I am the slave of Allah. He hath given me the Scripture and hath appointed me a Prophet, [019.032] And (hath made me) dutiful toward her who bore me, and hath not made me arrogant. [019.033] Peace on me the day I was born, and the day I die, and the day I shall be raised alive! 'Isa (pbuh) fell silent at that. The people we’re too shocked to speak, they scattered.
'Isa (pbuh) was around the age of thirty when Allah began to reveal the divine messages to him. 'Isa (pbuh) began to teach the oneness of Allah to the people of Banu Israel. He would perform many miracles to the people of Israel. Some of the miracles include turning mud into birds, healing the sick and blind, he even brought the dead back to life. 'Isa (pbuh) fed a thousand people from a single loaf of bread. All of these miracles we’re performed with prayer and faith in Allah. He affirmed the Torah and confirmed the Halal and Haram foods for humans. 'Isa (pbuh) also forbid all selling and trading inside of Bait-ul-maqqadas. To purify it for worship. 'Isa (pbuh) was met with constant criticism. He had only twelve true companions, they we’re also know as the twelve apostles of 'Isa (pbuh). The twelve men would follow 'Isa (pbuh) around and assist in his teachings.
Banu Israel was against the teachings of 'Isa (pbuh) and plotted with the Romans to have 'Isa (pbuh) killed. They framed him for treason. A crime that is punishable by crucifixion. They began the hunt for 'Isa (pbuh). It was one of his companions by the name of Judaist that turned him in to the government.
Before the crucifixion Allah bestowed mercy on 'Isa (pbuh) and changed the appearance of another prisoner to look like 'Isa (pbuh). The other prisoner was crucified in his place. The Governor of Rome and the Israelites believed that they had killed 'Isa (pbuh). Allah had withdrew 'Isa (pbuh) from his enemies and brought him to the haven’s. Peace be upon 'Isa.
The Story of the Prophet Isma'il (pbuh)
Isma'il (pbuh) was the elder son of Ibrahim (pbuh), and Hajirah. While Isma'il (pbuh) was still a babe in his mothers arms. Allah instructed Ibrahim (pbuh) to take his wife Hajirah and his son Isma'il (pbuh) to Hejaz. Hejaz was located deep in the desert of Arabia. It was a barren and waterless place. Not  another person in sight. Ibrahim (pbuh) placed Isma'il (pbuh) on the ground near we're the Ka'bah stands today. Beside him he placed a bag filled with dates and skin of water. He started to walk away. Hajirah called him, begging him not to leave them. He did not listen. Finally she asked him if Allah had commanded him to leave them there. Ibrahim (pbuh) told her yes. She to had faith in Allah, that if this is the will of Allah, she knew that no harm would come to them. He left them in the desert with a sorrowful heart, placing their lives in the hands of Allah.
In time she and Isma'il (pbuh) ran out of supplies, she had begun running between the two hills, in search of people or subsidence. Seven times from the hill of Safa to Marwah she ran in her quest of water. Isma'il (pbuh) became so thirsty, that he began crying and kicking the ground with his heels. The ground we're his heels had hit, a small spring rushed miraculously forth from the ground. This water is still running to this day it is known as the Zam Zam water.
A tribe that had been searching the desert for food and water known as the Banu Jaham, came upon Hajirah. They we're sitting by the stream. In aw, they two made camp, for they knew that their was no stream on this land before. She told them the story of the water, fascinated by her story. The Jaham decided to stay. The tribe set up a temporary settlement that became the city of Mecca.
Ibrahim (pbuh) confronted Isma'il (pbuh) when he was nine with the dreams that Allah had shown him. Allah had asked Ibrahim (pbuh) to sacrifice Isma'il (pbuh). Isma'il (pbuh) having such strong faith in Allah said that if this was Allah's will then they must obey. Isma'il (pbuh) and his father traveled to Mina to perform their sacrifice. Ibrahim (pbuh) laid Isma'il (pbuh) down on the ground, with his arms and legs tied. He crouched over his son. Sorrow filled his heart. He placed the knife at the throat of Isma'il (pbuh). As soon as he did this the angel Jibril appeared and told him that Allah was pleased with the efforts of both of his Prophets. They we're willing to make this ultimate sacrifice to please him. A lamb appeared out the air to be sacrificed in the place of Isma'il (pbuh). Jibril told them of Allah's great pleasure with them. He announced the birth of Ishaq (pbuh), to Sarah.
Allah also commanded Ibrahim (pbuh) and his son Isma'il (pbuh), to build the Ka'bah in Mecca. To serve as a House of worship for Allah. Isma'il (pbuh) and Ibrahim (pbuh) began to call people to prayer at the Ka'bah. The Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh) asked his son to bring a good stone to mark the corner of foundation. So that for all times this place would be marked. The black stone was placed said to have come directly from the heavens. The stone was known as Hajar al-Aswad. When they completed the Ka'bah, both of them prayed to Allah for acceptance of their service.
Isma'il (pbuh) fathered many sons and daughters who moved to several parts of the Arabia. Wherever they settled, they taught the way of Allah. Isma'il (pbuh) is also known as Abul Arab, the father of the Arabs. May peace be upon Isma'il.
The Story of the Prophet Ishaq (pbuh)
Ishaq (pbuh) was the son of Sarah the first wife of Ibrahim (pbuh). He was born nine years after the birth of Isma'il (pbuh). Ishaq (pbuh) lived in Canaan and was appointed Prophet towards his people by Allah. He was married at the age of 40. He had two sons, who were twins. They were named Issau and Ya'qub (pbuh). May peace be upon Ishaq.
The Story of the Prophet Lut (pbuh)
Lut (pbuh) was the nephew of Ibrahim (pbuh), the son of his brother Harun (pbuh). Lut (pbuh) traveled with Ibrahim (pbuh) teaching the oneness of Allah. When Ibrahim (pbuh) left Egypt and settled in Cannan. Lut (pbuh) was summoned by Allah to the city of Sodom, which was on the western shore of the Dead Sea. He became the Prophet to the people of Sodom, to try and change the evil ways of Sodom and the neighboring city Gomorrah. Both cities we're very prosperous. But their prosperity only increased their immoral behavior. The people of Sodom robbed and killed travelers that passed by the city. They openly and unashamedly committed illegal sexual acts. Men had sex with other men instead of with their wives.
Allah commanded Lut (pbuh) to speak to the people of Sodom. To beseech them to give up there evil and except Allah. Lut (pbuh) unwavering in his beliefs, preached day and night. Sodom's people laughed at the teachings of Lut (pbuh). Defying him openly. In time they began to threaten and torture him. His family was in constant danger. The people of Sodom submerged in the abyss of there sins turned deaf ears to Lut (pbuh). He warned them of Allah's punishment. The people tired of his preaching threatened to expel him out of the city.
Lut's (pbuh) heart went sad, and the reputation of the city of Sodom grew. Lut (pbuh) struggled for many years against the people refusing to give up,  even in failure. The people called out to him "Bring Allah's Torment upon us if you are truthful!"
Lut's (pbuh) uncle Ibrahim (pbuh) was visited by Angels who informed him of the doom that was in store for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Ibrahim (pbuh) beseeched Allah for Lut (pbuh) and Lut's  (pbuh) family, Allah assured Ibrahim (pbuh) of the safety of his nephew.
The angels arrived at the door of Lut (pbuh) in the form of young men. To Lut 's (pbuh) surprise the towns people heard of the young men at Lut's (pbuh) home and formed a mob. The mob approached the house intending to grab the young men for there own deviate pleasure. Lut (pbuh) pleaded with the mob to go, and tried to shut them out, but he was over powered by the number and strength of the people. Lut (pbuh) begged his people to go to their wives, that is the way of Allah. The people waited listening to Lut (pbuh) speech, then rolled with laughter. Lut (pbuh) became angered, but stood no chance against the assailants.
Lut (pbuh) prayed for them to stop the abuse of his guests. The Angels seeing Lut's (pbuh) torment spoke to Lut (pbuh) telling him that they were angels and no harm would truly come to them. The angels delivered the instructions from Allah to Lut (pbuh) and told him to leave the region immediately and none of them should look back.
Lut's (pbuh) family knowing the immense furry of Allah's punishment fled the city immediately. They we're climbing the hills outside of the two cities when they felt the Earth began to quake. Fire ripped threw the cities, boulders flung from the depths of the earth. The two cities and  everyone of its inhabitants we're destroyed. It was as if the two cities had been picked up by an invisible hand and rammed back down to the ground.
Hearing the cries of the people Lut (pbuh) wife, turned to look. Disobeying the instructions of Allah. She was instantly turned to a pillar of rock. Lut (pbuh) dared not look back, he rushed the rest of his family far from the two cities.
Lut (pbuh) found their way to the safety of Ibrahim's (pbuh) home. Lut (pbuh) told his uncle the story of Sodom. To his surprise, his uncle already knew what had happened. The two of them continued on there mission as Prophets of Allah, spreading the message of oneness. May peace be upon Lut.
The Story of the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh)
This description of the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), is only a tiny portion of the true greatness that he was. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad, the last Prophet of Allah.
The prophecy of the messenger was told by the Prophets of the past.  every tribe was foretold of his coming. This great Prophet would bear witness to all of the true Prophets before him. He would bring together  every nation, and religion. He would unite them in one comprehensive faith, one brother hood.
Muhammad (pbuh) was the son of Abdullah and Aminah. Aminah was the daughter of Wahb Ibn Abdu Manaf of the Zahrah family. His father, 'Abdullah, was the son of Abdul Muttalib. Abdullah had left his new bride Aminah for a business trip two weeks after their marriage. Unfortunately he never returned. A few months later Aminah was given a dream prophesizing the coming of her son. She was about half way into her pregnancy when she learned of her husband’s death. It was her husbands father, Abd al-Muttaleb that took her and her maid, Barakah in.
The year was 570 AD. This year became known as the year of the Elephant. Muhammad (pbuh) family lived in Mecca. In that year Abraha al-Ashram the ruler of Yemen brought and army to Mecca to destroy the Ka'bah. Aminah was advised to leave with the rest of her people. She refused saying that her child was destined to be born in Mecca, Allah would see that no harm came to them.
When the army approached the Ka'bah, Allah sent a storm of birds carrying tiny stones. The birds pelted the soldieries, killing many of them.  Even the Elephants under command by the army could not advance on the Ka'bah.
Aminah was later visited by a dream, telling her to name her son Muhammad (pbuh). As commanded upon his birth he was named Muhammad (pbuh). Muhammad (pbuh), was an unusual name for Arabs at this time. Muhammad's (pbuh) grandfather Abd al-Muttaleb provided them with financial support.
In that time period it was customary that mothers in the city would find a woman to wet nurse their child in the country, for a time to insure they grew up strong and healthy. After some difficulties a nurse was found for Muhammad (pbuh), a woman by the name of Halima. Muhammad (pbuh) stayed with her until he was five.
Muhammad (pbuh) was then reunited with his mother, but only for a short time. Muhammad (pbuh) and his mother was traveling when she fell sick and died. Before she died she had entrusted her son’s care to Barakah, her maid. Barakah buried Aminah the next day and took Mohammed back to his grandfather’s home. She moved in to take care of him.
Muhammad (pbuh) was only eight years old when his grandfather, Abd al-Muttaleb died. Again Muhammad (pbuh) was placed in the care of yet another. This time it would be his uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad (pbuh) and Barakah went into their care.
Abu Talib and his wife Fatirnah binte Asad cared for Muhammad (pbuh) as one of there own sons. Muhammad (pbuh) grew to a young man in his uncle’s house, and was shown much affection. He was known for his good manners. Muhammad (pbuh) never told lies or fabricated stories. He always spoke to others with courtesy, softness and the utmost respect. Some said that his uncle loved him more then his own children. He would spend most of his time watching the flocks of his uncle.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

sejarah al-qur'an

Apakah itu al-Quran.
·                     "Quran" menurut pendapat yang paling kuat seperti yang dikemukakan Dr. Subhi Al Salih bererti "bacaan", asal kata qara’a. Kata Al Qur’an itu berbentuk masdar dengan arti isim maf’ul yaitu maqru’ (dibaca).
·                     Di dalam Al Qur’an sendiri ada pemakaian kata "Qur’an" dalam arti demikian sebagal tersebut dalam ayat 17, 18 surah (75) Al Qiyaamah:
·                     ‘Sesungguhnya mengumpulkan Al Qur’an (didalam dadamu) dan (menetapkan) bacaannya (pada lidahmu) itu adalah tanggunggan kami. kerana itu jika kami telah membacakannya, hendaklah kamu ikut bacaannya".
Kemudian dipakai kata "Qur’an" itu untuk Al Quran yang dikenal sekarang ini.
Adapun definisi Al Qur’an ialah: "Kalam Allah s.w.t. yang merupakan mukjizat yang diturunkan (diwahyukan) kepada Nabi Muhammad dan yang ditulis di mushaf dan diriwayatkan dengan mutawatir serta membacanya adalah ibadah"
Dengan definisi ini, kalam Allah yang diturunkan kepada nabi-nabi selain Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. tidak dinamakan Al Qur’an seperti Taurat yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Musa a.s. atau Injil yang diturun kepada Nabi Isa a.s. Dengan demikian pula Kalam Allah yang diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w yang membacanya tidak dianggap sebagai ibadah, seperti Hadis Qudsi, tidak pula dinamakan Al Qur’an.

Bagaimanakah al-Quran itu diwahyukan.
·                     Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dalam hal menerima wahyu mengalami bermacam-macam cara dan keadaan. di antaranya:
1, Malaikat memasukkan wahyu itu ke dalam hatinya. Dalam hal ini Nabi s.a.w. tidak melihat sesuatu apapun, hanya beliau merasa bahwa itu sudah berada saja dalam kalbunya. Mengenai hal ini Nabi mengatakan: "Ruhul qudus mewahyukan ke dalam kalbuku", (lihat surah (42) Asy Syuura ayat (51).
2. Malaikat menampakkan dirinya kepada Nabi berupa seorang laki-laki yang mengucapkan kata-kata kepadanya sehingga beliau mengetahui dan hafal benar akan kata-kata itu.
3. Wahyu datang kepadanya seperti gemerincingnya loceng. Cara inilah yang amat berat dirasakan oleh Nabi. Kadang-kadang pada keningnya berpancaran keringat, meskipun turunnya wahyu itu di musim dingin yang sangat. Kadang-kadang unta beliau terpaksa berhenti dan duduk karena merasa amat berat, bila wahyu itu turun ketika beliau sedang mengendarai unta. Diriwayatkan oleh Zaid bin Tsabit: "Aku adalah penulis wahyu yang diturunkan kepada Rasulullah. Aku lihat Rasulullah ketika turunnya wahyu itu seakan-akan diserang oleh demam yang keras dan keringatnya bercucuran seperti permata. Kemudian setelah selesai turunnya wahyu, barulah beliau kembali seperti biasa".
·                     4. Malaikat menampakkan dirinya kepada Nabi, tidak berupa seorang laki-laki seperti keadaan no. 2, tetapi benar-benar seperti rupanya yang asli. Hal ini tersebut dalam Al Qur’an surah (53) An Najm ayat 13 dan 14.
·                     Sesungguhnya Muhammad telah melihatnya pada kali yang lain (kedua). Ketika ia berada di Sidratulmuntaha.

Hikmah diturunkan al-Quran secara beransur-ansur
Al Qur’an diturunkan secara beransur-ansur dalam masa 22 tahun 2 bulan 22 hari atau 23 tahun, 13 tahun di Mekkah dan 10 tahun di Madinah. Hikmah Al Qur’an diturunkan secara beransur-ansur itu ialah:
1. Agar lebih mudah difahami dan dilaksanakan. Orang tidak akan melaksanakan suruhan, dan larangan sekiranya suruhan dan larangan itu diturunkan sekaligus banyak. Hal ini disebutkan oleh Bukhari dan riwayat ‘Aisyah r.a.
2. Di antara ayat-ayat itu ada yang nasikh dan ada yang mansukh, sesuai dengan permasalahan pada waktu itu. Ini tidak dapat dilakukan sekiranya Al Qur’an diturunkan sekaligus. (ini menurut pendapat yang mengatakan adanya nasikh dan mansukh).
3. Turunnya sesuatu ayat sesuai dengan peristiwa-peristiwa yang terjadi akan lebih mengesankan dan lebih berpengaruh di hati.
4. Memudahkan penghafalan. Orang-orang musyrik yang telah menayakan mengapa Al Qur’an tidak diturunkan sekaligus. sebagaimana tersebut dalam Al Qur’an ayat (25) Al Furqaan ayat 32, yaitu:
·                     mengapakah Al Qur’an tidak diturunkan kepadanya sekaligus
·                     Kemudian dijawab di dalam ayat itu sendiri:
·                     demikianlah, dengan (cara) begitu Kami hendak menetapkan hatimu
5. Di antara ayat-ayat ada yang merupakan jawaban daripada pertanyaan atau penolakan suatu pendapat atau perbuatan, sebagai dikatakan oleh lbnu ‘Abbas r.a. Hal ini tidak dapat terlaksana kalau Al Qur’an diturunkan sekaligus.

Ayat Makkiyah dan ayat Madaniyah
·                     Ditinjau dari segi masa turunnya, maka Al Qur’an itu dibahagi atas dua golongan:
  1. Ayat-ayat yang diturunkan di Mekah atau sebelum Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. hijrah ke Madinah dinamakan ayat-ayat Makkiyyah.
2. Ayat-ayat yang diturunkan di Madinah atau sesudah Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. hijrah ke Madinah dinamakan ayat-ayat Madaniyyah.
Ayat-ayat Makkiyyah meliputi 19/30 dari isi Al Qur’an terdiri atas 86 surah, sedang ayat-ayat Madaniyyah meliputi 11/30 dari isi Al Qur’an terdiri atas 28 surah.
Perbezaan ayat-ayat Makiyyah dengan ayat-ayat Madaniyyah ialah:
1. Ayat-ayat Makkiyyah pada umumnya pendek-pendek sedang ayat-ayat Madaniyyah panjang-panjang; surat Madaniyyah yang merupakan 11/30 dari isi Al Qur’an ayat-ayatnya berjumlah 1,456, sedang ayat Makkiyyah yang merupakan 19/30 dari isi Al Qur’an jumlah ayat-ayatnya 4,780 ayat.
Juz 28 seluruhnya Madaniyyah kecuali ayat (60) Mumtahinah, ayat-ayatnya berjumlah 137; sedang juz 29 ialah Makkiyyah kecuali ayat (76) Addahr, ayat-ayatnya berjumlah 431. Surat Al Anfaal dan surat Asy Syu’araa masing-masing merupakan setengah juz tetapi yang pertama Madaniyyah dengan bilangan ayat sebanyak 75, sedang yang kedua Makiyyah dengan ayatnya yang berjumlah 227.
2. Dalam ayat-ayat Madaniyyah terdapat perkataan "Ya ayyuhalladzi na aamanu" dan sedikit sekali terdapat perkataan ‘Yaa ayyuhannaas’, sedang dalam ayat ayat Makiyyah adalah sebaliknya.
3. Ayat-ayat Makkiyyah pada umumnya mengandung hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan keimanan, ancaman dan pahala, kisah-kisah umat yang terdahulu yang mengandung pengajaran dan budi pekerti; sedang Madaniyyah mengandung hukum-hukum, baik yang berhubungan dengan hukum adat atau hukum-hukum duniawi, seperti hukum kemasyarakatan, hukum ketata negaraan, hukum perang, hukum internasional, hukum antara agama dan lain-lain.

Nama-nama al-Quran
  Allah memberi nama Kitab-Nya dengan Al Qur’an yang berarti "bacaan".
·                     Arti ini dapat kita lihat dalam surat (75) Al Qiyaamah; ayat 17 dan 18 sebagaimana tersebut di atas.
  Nama ini dikuatkan oleh ayat-ayat yang terdapat dalam surat (17) Al lsraa’ ayat 88; surat (2) Al Baqarah ayat 85; surat (15) Al Hijr ayat 87; surat (20) Thaaha ayat 2; surat (27) An Naml ayat 6; surat (46) Ahqaaf ayat 29; surat (56) Al Waaqi’ah ayat 77; surat (59) Al Hasyr ayat 21 dan surat (76) Addahr ayat 23.
Menurut pengertian ayat-ayat di atas Al Qur’an itu dipakai sebagai nama bagi Kalam Allah yang diwahyukan kepada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
·                     Selain Al Qur’an, Allah juga memberi beberapa nama lain bagi Kitab-Nya, sepcrti:
  1. Al Kitab atau Kitaabullah: merupakan synonim dari perkataan Al Qur’an, sebagaimana tersebut dalam surat (2) Al Baqarah ayat 2 yang artinya; "Kitab (Al Qur’an) ini tidak ada keraguan padanya…." Lihat pula surat (6) Al An’aam ayat 114.
·                     2. Al Furqaan: "Al Furqaan" artinya: "Pembeda", ialah "yang membedakan yang benar dan yang batil", sebagai tersebut dalam surat (25) Al Furqaan ayat 1 yang artinya: "Maha Agung (Allah) yang telah menurunkan Al Furqaan, kepada hamba-Nya, agar ia menjadi peringatan kepada seluruh alam"
  3. Adz-Dzikir. Artinya: "Peringatan". sebagaimana yang tersebut dalam surat (15) Al Hijr ayat 9 yang artinya: Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang menurunkan "Adz-Dzikir dan sesungguhnya Kamilah penjaga-nya" (Lihat pula surat (16) An Nahl ayat 44. Dari nama yang tiga tersebut di atas, yang paling masyhur dan merupakan nama khas ialah "Al Qur’an". Selain dari nama-nama yang tiga itu dan lagi beberapa nama bagi Al Qur’an. lmam As Suyuthy dalam kitabnya Al Itqan, menyebutkan nama-nama Al Qur’an, diantaranya: Al Mubiin, Al Kariim, Al Kalam, An Nuur.

Surah-surah dalam al-Quran
  Jumlah surat yang terdapat dalam Al Qur’an ada 114; nama-namanya dan batas-batas tiap-tiap surat, susunan ayat-ayatnya adalah menurut ketentuan yang ditetapkan dan diajarkan oleh Rasulullah sendiri (tauqifi).
Sebagian dari surat-surat Al Qur’an mempunyai satu nama dan sebagian yang lain mempunyai lebih dari satu nama, sebagaimana yang akan diterangkan dalam muqaddimah tiap-tiap surat.
·                     Surat-surat yang ada dalam Al Qur’an ditinjau dari segi panjang dan pendeknya terbagi atas 4 bagian, yaitu:
  1. ASSAB’UTHTHIWAAL, dimaksudkan, tujuh surat yang panjang Yaitu: Al Baqarah, Ali Imran, An Nisaa’, Al A’raaf, Al An’aam, Al Maa-idah dan Yunus.
2. Al MIUUN, dimaksudkan surat-surat yang berisi kira-kira seratus ayat lebih seperti: Hud, Yusuf, Mu’min dsb.
3. Al MATSAANI, dimaksudkan surat-surat yang berisi kurang sedikit dari seratus ayat seperti: Al Anfaal. Al Hijr dsb.
4. AL MUFASHSHAL, dimaksudkan surat-surat pendek. seperti: Adhdhuha, Al Ikhlas, AL Falaq, An Nas. dsb.
g. Huruf-huruf Hijaaiyyah yang ada pada permulaan surat.
·                     Di dalam Al Qur’an terdapat 29 surat yang dimulai dengan huruf-huruf hijaaiyyah yaitu pada surat-surat:
  (1) Al Baqarah, (2) Ali Imran, (3) Al A’raaf. (4) Yunus, (5) Yusuf, (7) Ar Ra’ad, (8) lbrahim, (9) Al Hijr, (10) Maryam. (11) Thaaha. (12) Asy Syu’araa, (13) An Naml, (14) Al Qashash, (15) A1’Ankabuut, (16) Ar Ruum. (17) Lukman, (18) As Sajdah (19) Yasin, (20) Shaad, (21) Al Mu’min, (22) Fushshilat, (23) Asy Syuuraa. (24) Az Zukhruf (25) Ad Dukhaan, (26) Al Jaatsiyah, (27) Al Ahqaaf. (28) Qaaf dan (29) Al Qalam (Nuun).
Huruf-huruf hijaaiyyah yang terdapat pada permulaan tiap-tiap surat tersebut di atas, dinamakan ‘Fawaatihushshuwar’ artinya pembukaan surat-surat.
Banyak pendapat dikemukakan oleh para Ulama’ Tafsir tentang arti dan maksud huruf-huruf hijaaiyyah itu, selanjutnya lihat not 10, halaman 8 (Terjemah)